Modest Mike's Mods

Mean Ass TS-9DX
Ibanez Tube Screamer
TS5, TS7, TS9, TS9DX, TS808HW, TS808DX, TS10, and even that TS808 Pro Reissue you bought thinking it would sound so cool :)
TS-808 Plus Mod ($39.99) - No Switches
An original TS-808 is considered to be the holy grail of all tube screamers. Some musicians pay over $800 for one.
After our TS808 Plus mod, your TS9, TS808HW, TS808DX, TS9DX, TS10, TS7, or even TS5 can fool anyone in a blind sound test.
We start by replacing the op amp with a JRC4558D (or RC4558P if you prefer). Several capacitors are replaced with better quality metal film caps to enhance tone quality. Key resistors are replaced to match your pedal to original 808 specs, we use metal film resistors to help eliminate background noise. The bass response is improved, and the pedal has a nice middle now that keeps your guitar sounding good when everyone turns up the volume.
The "Plus" part of this mod? Additional capacitor and resistor values are changed to put a little more hair on it's chest. You get about twice the normal gain, and also the ability to clean up the sound when you roll back the volume. We top it off with a nice water clear LED. The LED is clear when the pedal is off, and a nice bright blue when the pedal is on. For tube screamer lovers, it doesn't get better than this! Your tube screamer will sound better from it's head to it's ...fets!
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How it all started!
Mike Nix from roknfnrol demoes our
Modest Mike's Mean Ass Ibanez TS9!

Modest Mike's Mean Ass Mod ($59.99)
This mod is identical to the one above, only with two added switches. One switch is for an optional bass boost .The other switch is the mean ass switch, but you don't need that switch...unless you want to rock! This switch adds two extra diodes in series with the stock diodes. This gives your TS-9 more gain, pushing it into asymmetrical clipping. These two switches can give you a variety of sounds...all good! This mod is great for the TS-9DX, TS-7, and also that TS-808 Pro Reissue or TS808HW you bought...you know, the one that was a little milder than you expected. The TX9DX already has 3 boost settings, so only one one switch is needed.
If true bypass is important to you,, you can get that for an additional $38 (normally $48) when you
also purchase the mod service.
We also sell these pedals, refurbished and with all of the mods mentioned above!
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